Tribeca Film Festival 2024
Set in the Bolivian capital of La Paz, The Dog Thief centers on young teenager Martin, a shoeshine boy working on the city streets. While he has a room in a large, old house courtesy of his late mother’s close friend, he is an orphan with few friends and fewer avenues to support himself. But hope exists in the form of Martin’s best client, Mr. Novoa, a lonely tailer whose sole friend is Astor, a beautiful German Shepherd he cares for like a son. Initially motivated by a possible reward, Martin steals Astor. But as Martin and Mr. Novoa spend more time together, a bond develops that neither anticipates.
Vinko Tomičić Salinas is a Chilean screenwriter, director and producer. His solo feature debut, The Dog Thief, was developed at the Cannes Cinefondation Residency and the Venice Biennale College Cinema program.