1. Short Title

These regulations shall be called Indian Panorama 2024 Regulations for the 55th edition of International Film Festival India (IFFI), 2024 and shall come into force with immediate effect.

2. Definitions

In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise refers,

  • (a) “Board” means the Central Board of Film Certification.
  • (b) “Corporation” means National Film Development Corporation, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. and Broadcasting.
  • (c) “Indian Panorama” is a Section of the International Film Festival of India. “Indian Panorama” means the group of films selected in terms of the provisions given in these Regulations for participation in National and International Film Festivals.
  • (d)“Producer” is one who produces a film and also has the copy right of the film and can supply/authorize supply of digital copies/cinematographic prints from the laboratory for Jury or other screenings at Film Festival(s) of the selected films and may include an individual or a company or an Institute or any other such entity and shall include a co- producer also.

3. Aims and objectives

The aim of the Indian Panorama, organized by the NFDC is to select Feature and Non-feature films of cinematic, thematic and aesthetic excellence, for the promotion of film art through the non-profit screening of these films in:

  • (1) International Film Festivals in India and abroad.
  • (2) Indian Film Weeks held under Bilateral Cultural Exchange Programmes and Specialized Indian Film Festivals outside cultural exchange protocols. Indian Film Festivals outside cultural exchange protocols.
  • (3) Special Indian Panorama Festivals in India.


The Indian Panorama will have the following sections:-

  • a) Feature films, and
  • b) Non-feature films.

5. Indian Panorama

A maximum of 26 Feature films and 21 Non-feature films (including the Best Feature and Best Non-feature films from 71st National Film Awards, 2023), distinguished by cinematic, thematic and aesthetic excellence selected in accordance with the conditions and procedure laid down below will feature in the Indian Panorama.


The following conditions must be fulfilled by all entries:

  • 6.1 The film should be in any Indian language. The Phrase “any Indian language” would mean all official languages of the State/Union Territories of the Indian Union, all other Indian languages included in Schedule VIII of the Constitution of India and such other languages and dialects that may be permitted by the Government of India from time to time.
    • 6.1.1 Silent Films will also be eligible.
    • 6.1.2 The Director should be an Indian national.
    • 6.1.3 The Producer of the film should be an Indian national and the film should have been produced in India. However, co-productions with the foreign entity are also acceptable.
  • 6.2 In the case of co-productions involving a foreign entity, the following conditions should be fulfilled :
    • 6.2.1 At least one of the co-producers must be an Indian entity.
    • 6.2.2 The Indian entity should be registered in India or a citizen of India.
    • 6.2.3 The title of the film should be registered as an Indian film title.
    • 6.2.4 The Director should be an Indian national. The cast and technicians should be predominantly Indian nationals. However, non-feature films directed by foreign students of Film Institutes situated in India will be eligible if their entries are sent through their respective Institutes.
    • 6.2.5 The applicant i.e. Producer/right holder(s) should have the right for sanctioning the participation of the film in festivals in India and abroad as an Indian entry as well as special expositions of Indian cinema organized by the NFDC.
  • 6.3 The completion year of production of the films should be during the last 12 months preceding the festival i.e.1st August, 2023 to 31st July, 2024. The applicant should submit a declaration stating the date of completion year of production in the format as mentioned at clause number 7.2 (c) i, ii, iii. Films certified by CBFC during the period 1st August, 2023 to 31st July, 2024 are also eligible.


  • (1) If the film (Feature or Non-Feature) has been selected/screened in any Indian/international selection of the festival, it will be eligible for entry in the Indian Panorama section in the same year only.
  • (2) If a film selected for Indian Panorama is not certified by CBFC, NFDC would take necessary action for seeking exemption as per Cinematography Act, 1952 for the festival screenings. However, as and when the film is certified by CBFC, the Producer should provide the certified version of the film to NFDC in the desired formats.
  • (3) If a film (Censored or Un-censored) entered last year Indian Panorama will not be eligible for Indian Panorama 2024.
  • 6.4 Films made in any Indian language shot in digital/video format and as a feature film or fiction above 72 min duration, are eligible for the Feature Film Section.
  • 6.5 Films made in any Indian language shot on digital/video format and as a Documentary/News reel/non-fiction/short fiction are eligible for the Non- Feature Film Section.
  • 6.6 The question of whether a film is a feature film or a non-feature film will be decided based on such categorization mentioned in the entry form and declaration submitted by the applicant.
  • 6.8 For Mainstream Cinema Selection, Film Federation of India, Film and Television Producers Guild of India, Ltd., Indian Motion Picture Producers Association (IMPAA), Indian Film and Television Director's Association, Eastern Indian Motion Pictures Association (EIMPA), South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce, Akhil Bhartiya Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandal and Film Fraternity of Assam may submit five (5) films each based on popular appeal and box office receipts to be included in Indian Panorama evaluated by their own jury. The Indian Panorama Jury may select up to Five (5) films recommended by Film Federation of India, Film and Television Producers Guild of India Ltd., Indian Motion Picture Producers Association (IMPAA), Indian Film and Television Director's Association, Eastern Indian Motion Pictures Association (EIMPA), South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce, Akhil Bhartiya Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandal and Film Fraternity of Assam for inclusion in the Indian Panorama. The films should be submitted in the prescribed entry form and format as per the regulations, within the given deadline for submission of films i.e. 12th August, 2024 till 6.00 P.M. for submission of on line application form and 22nd August, 2024 till 6.00 P.M. for receipt of the stamped and signed hard copy of the submitted online application form along with the requisite material.
  • 6.9 a) A maximum of five (5) entries would be allowed from individuals, Producers, Production Units, Government organizations, and companies.
    b) A maximum of ten (10) student films would be allowed from film and media institutions. Entries from film and media institutions will be accepted with the condition that the film entered is the final year Documentary / Diploma films of the students‟. The entry should be duly certified by the Institute that the film is independent work of the student.
  • 6.10 Disqualification:
    (a) In the case of programmes originally made for television, entries sent in telecast format with commercial breaks, advertisements, channel logos/IDs etc.
    (b)Entries with captions such as “preview copy”, organizational logos etc. However, if the screening copy bears the captions, it should be so faint as not to disturb the viewing experience.
    (c) Dubbed/ Revised/ Remake/ Re-edited version of an Indian Film which was submitted earlier for the Indian Panorama, will not be eligible. All films must be presented in their original version/language.
    (d) Films NOT subtitled in English. (Filmmakers may please ensure that sub-titles are clear and readable. Subtitles should not merge with visuals/background. It would help the jury understand the right context and help evaluate the film better. All spoken words should be sub-titled).
    (e) Entries received in sub-standard quality of DCP (Unencrypted, DCI Compliant – J2K, Interop or SMPTE DCP-Note: J2K, Interop DCP to be only in 24 fps)/ Bluray (region free PAL) or Pen Drive.
    (f) An applicant would be disqualified automatically for consideration of his/her entry if it is found that he /she is influencing any member of the jury and the decision of the Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in this regard would be final and binding.
    (g) Any Indian Film Shown in any Indian or international Film Festival more than one year preceding IFFI, the film will be considered to be ineligible.
    (h) If any of the declarations submitted by the applicants are found to be factually false or incorrect, National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) reserves the right to reject the entry or even cancel the selection of the film after the final results/announcements. In such cases, where false or incorrect declarations are found, the applicant would be barred for a period of three years to participate in any activities organized by the Corporation.

7. Procedure for entering films
  • 7.1 The Producer(s) may apply on the prescribed entry Form IP-I along with Form IP-II. The online entry form and regulations of Indian Panorama 2024 are available on the following websites: www.nfdcindia.com and www.iffigoa.org.
  • 7.2 Each entry form shall be accompanied by the material detailed below (a soft copy of the same to be sent to indianpanorama@nfdcindia.com).
    (a) Acceptable formats for feature films are DCP - Unencrypted, DCI Compliant – J2K, Interop or SMPTE DCP-Note: J2K, Interop DCP to be only in 24 fps)/ Bluray(region free PAL) along with two DVD copies. Acceptable formats for non-feature films are DCP (Unencrypted, DCI Compliant – J2K, Interop or SMPTE DCP- Note: J2K, Interop DCP to be only in 24 fps Bluray (region free PAL) or Pen drive (containing MP4/MOV/H264, Resolution 1920 x 1080 file).
    (b) Synopsis (precise and not exceeding two hundred words) of the film, Director & Producer’s profile, Director’s note in English and details of cast and crew (Soft copy of the same to be emailed to indianpanorama@nfdcindia.com.
    Also, the following should be sent separately by e-mail to indianpanorama@nfdcindia.com
    1. Film Stills (5nos) (200-300 dpi).
    2. Director’s working stills (2 nos) (200-300 dpi).
    3. Producer’s stills or Logo (200-300 dpi).
    4. Posters
  • (c)(i) A declaration shall be furnished by the applicant, declaring that the information furnished in the entry form and other forms submitted is true to the best of his/her knowledge, that the DCP -Unencrypted (DCI Compliant-J2K)/Bluray (region free PAL) of the Feature Film or DCP-Unencrypted (DCI Compliant-J2K)/Bluray (region free PAL) or Pen Drive (containing MP4/MOV/H.264, Resolution 1920x1080 file ) of the Non-Feature Film being submitted as required under clause 7.2 (a).
  • (ii) It is also certified that the film is not a dubbed/revised/remake/ re-edited version of any film and has not been submitted earlier.
  • (iii) The completion year of production of the film is during the 12 months preceding the festival i.e.1st August 2023 to 31st July 2024 and has not been screened in any Indian or international film festival before that period.
  • (iv) The film is a Feature or Non- Feature Film (as per clauses 6.4, 6.5 & 6.6 of Indian Panorama).
  • (d) In case the film is finally selected by the Jury, the following should be submitted immediately.
  • 1. One DCP (Unencrypted, DCI Compliant-J2K)/Bluray (region-free PAL) copy and Two DVD copies of the Feature Film or One DCP - Unencrypted (DCI Compliant- J2K)/Bluray (region-free PAL) or pen drive (containing MP4/MOV/H.264, Resolution 1920x1080 file )and Two DVD copies of the Non- Feature Film
  • 2. Three ‘3x2’ posters of the film.
  • 3. A 30 second-60 seconds promo/trailer by email.
  • 4. Dialogue Sheets/sub-titles file with time code
  • 7.3 A non-refundable entry fee of (Rs. 11,800/- including 18% GST) for Feature films and (Rs. 3,540/- including 18% GST) for Non-Feature films must be remitted online at the time of online entry form submission.
  • 7.4 The last date for submission of On- Line applications is 12th August, 2024 till 6.00 P.M. and the last date for receipt of the stamped and signed hard copy of the submitted online application form along with the requisite material is 22nd August, 2024, in case 22nd August, 2024 is declared a holiday, the next working day will be treated as the last date for receipt of Entries. Applications received after the last date may be rejected without any reference to the applicant. (Note: Both the versions (Online and Hard Copy) of application forms submitted by the applicants should be same).
  • 7.5 All entries must be sent to the following address:
  • Indian Panorama, 2024 National Film Development Corporation Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India NFDC - FD Complex 1st Floor, Old Building 24, Dr. Gopalrao Deshmukh Marg Mumbai 400 026, Maharashtra Tel: 022 2353 3275/2083 0471

    (All prints and materials should be clearly labelled with “Indian Panorama, 2024”, on their packages)

  • 7.6 Film can be submitted in any of the two formats i.e. DCP (Unencrypted, DCI Compliant – J2K, Interop or SMPTE DCP-Note: J2K, Interop DCP to be only in 24 fps)/ Bluray (region free PAL) for Feature Film and any of the Three formats i.e. DCP (Unencrypted, DCI Compliant – J2K, Interop or SMPTE DCP-Note: J2K, Interop DCP to be only in 24 fps)/ Bluray (region free PAL) or Pen drive (containing MP4/MOV/H.264, Resolution 1920x1080 file ) for Non-Feature Film.. ENTRIES OF FILMS MUST CARRY ENGLISH SUBTITLES. Please label the cover of the DCP/Bluray or Pen Drive with the following details:
  • ● Title of the film
  • ● The full name of the Director
  • ● The full name of the Producer
  • ● Duration of the film
  • ● Aspect Ratio of the film
  • ● Original language of the film
  • 7.7 All costs for sending the DCP (Unencrypted, DCI Compliant – J2K, Interop or SMPTE DCP-Note: J2K, Interop DCP to be only in 24 fps)/ Bluray (region free PAL) or Pen Drive and accompanying material to the NFDC shall be borne by the person entering the film (s).
  • 7.8 In case any of the requirements mentioned in this part of the Regulations are not complied with by the applicant, the entry is liable to be rejected summarily.

8. Selection of Indian Panorama
  • 8.1 The Indian Panorama will be selected by two duly constituted juries, one for Feature films and the other for Non-Feature films. An adequate representation will be made from the major regional production centres to serve on the juries. The Jury for selection shall comprise 13 members (including the Chairperson) for Feature films and 7 members (including the Chairperson) for Non-Feature films.
  • 8.2 The Chairperson of the Feature Film Jury may constitute a maximum of four panels from amongst the members of the jury. The Chairperson of the Non-Feature Film Jury may constitute a maximum of two panels from amongst the members of the jury. Each panel shall recommend a maximum of 12 films or up to 33% of the films viewed by them, whichever is less, for combined viewing by the full jury. The Juries will determine their own work process. No recall of any film(s) shall be permissible once the recommendations are submitted by the panels and during the combined Viewing by the full jury.
  • 8.3 A person will be ineligible to serve on a Jury ONLY if his/her film is an entry. In the event of his / her close relative being associated with the particular film, the Jury member shall recuse himself/herself from the preview of the film.
    • 8.3.1 A person appointed as Chairperson or member of the jury shall make the declaration in writing in the form given in Form IP-III annexed to these Regulations.
    • 8.3.2 The Jury Members shall maintain strict confidentiality regarding the deliberations/recommendations of films during panel screening and final screenings. In case of any violation by jury members, he/she would be debarred for life from becoming a jury member in the Indian Panorama/National Film Awards/International Film Festival of India.
  • 8.4 The Festival Director, IFFI and/or his/her nominee may attend the deliberations of the panels and provide information/clarifications, required by the panels regarding the entries. They shall however neither participate in the deliberations nor vote.
  • 8.5 The decision of the juries shall be final and binding and no appeal or correspondence regarding their decision shall be entertained.
  • 8.6 The films selected for the 71st National Film Awards 2023 for the Best Feature Films and Best non-Feature Film will also be included in the Indian Panorama, if the same film has not participated in the previous Indian Panorama, notwithstanding the provisions contained in the Clause 6.3 of these Regulations.

9. Acquisition of Prints of Films Selected for the Indian Panorama
  • 9.1 In case a film is selected for the Indian Panorama, the NFDC will have the right to buy, on behalf of the Government of India, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, one or more DCP(Unencrypted)/Bluray thereof, at a cost not exceeding the actual price of the raw material and processing charges.
  • 9.2 NFDC shall have the right to get the DCP-Unencrypted subtitled in English or/and in other languages.
  • 9.3 NFDC shall have the right to strike foreign language subtitled prints as per programming requirements, for non-commercial use. The Corporation shall have the right to make one DCP/Pen Drive (containing MP4/MOV/H.264, Resolution 1920x1080 file) and copies of DVDs/Bluray Discs from the DCP or Pen drive (containing MP4/MOV/H.264,Resolution 1920x1080 file) entries of the film selected under Indian Panorama, 2024 for non-commercial screenings as specified under clause 11.2 of the Regulations for Indian Panorama, 2024.
  • 9.4 NFDC shall have the right to replace the existing prints /DCP- Unencrypted, subtitled or otherwise, once it is certified as damaged.
  • 9.5 In the case of a film selected for the Indian Panorama, all the material referred to in Regulations 7.2 shall be kept by the NFDC for use as and when necessary. The Producer shall also supply, on request of the Corporation, additional publicity material to NFDC to facilitate the participation of the film in various festivals as detailed in the Regulation.
  • 9.6 The authorization in forms IP-II shall be made use of by NFDC for the purposes and manner mentioned in Regulation Clause 11, only in case a film is selected for the Indian Panorama.
  • 9.7 It will be the duty of the concerned Producer/right holders to ensure the implementation of all Sub-Clauses of clause 9, even if the Producer/right holder sells the distribution rights to some other company after the film is selected in the Indian Panorama.
  • 9.8 Selected films (feature and non-feature) will be given a Certificate during the IFFI in Goa. The names of the Director and Producer will be credited as declared in the application form. No request for a change of names would be entertained at any stage.


DCP/ Bluray or Pen Drive of films not selected will be returned to the producers shortly after the final meeting of the Selection Panel. The Corporation shall bear the cost of returning the DCP/Bluray or Pen Drive to the address of the sender.

11 Use of Indian Panorama Films
  • 11.1 The Indian Panorama films will initially be screened at the Indian Panorama Section of the International Film Festival of India, provided that no claim of any kind would lie against NFDC for their inability to show a film due to technical or any other reasons.
  • 11.2 Out of the feature films selected for Indian Panorama, up to three films will be identified by the Indian Panorama Jury for the Competition Section of 55th International Film Festival of India. The Indian Panorama films will be used for participation in various international film festivals, film weeks, Indian Panorama festivals and other non-commercial screenings, within the country and abroad at the discretion of National Film Development Corporation and the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. For all such screenings, the Producer will not be eligible for any payment. He/ She will however, be kept informed of such screenings.
  • 11.3 Debut film(s) of a Director selected for Indian Panorama 2024 may also be considered for the Best Debut Film of a Director Award proposed to be given in the 55th International Film Festival of India. Upto two such feature films will be identified by the Indian Panorama Jury at the time of final selection of Indian Panorama Films. The award carries Rs 10,00,000/- and a silver peacock.
  • 11.4 The prints purchased by the National Film Development Corporation under these Regulations will be utilized for organizing Indian Panorama Festivals and will not be utilized for any commercial purposes. The Indian Panorama Festivals will be organized by National Film Development Corporation by the guidelines prescribed by the Government of India.
  • 11.5 Exemption from CBFC certification for the selected films in Indian Panorama (feature and non-feature) will be obtained from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for screening in IFFI, in case of films are not certified by CBFC. However, as and when the film is certified by CBFC, the producer should provide the certified version of the film to NFDC in the desired formats.

12. Dispute Resolution

Should any dispute or difference arises between the Producer and the NFDC, the same shall be referred to the Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, whose decision in the matter shall be final and binding on both the parties. The Arbitration Clause will not apply to the decision of Juries, which will be final and binding on both the National Film Development Corporation and the applicant for Indian Panorama.